
2011-03-28 Bangalore

Good Bye Cambodia and Hello India.
They say that Bangalore is the centra for bussiness and IT in India. And from that it's also a richer and more glamoursus place. I must have missed that becasue I couldn't see that anywhere. All I could see was dust, cars and poor people. 
I don't know why but I never liked Bangalore much. 
Mabye it is unfear but when you don't have much time you don't want to waste it. 
I ended up just spending a few days there before I went down south to the beutiful Kerla. 
However, they serve the best food....


2011-03-25 S21 Prison

The day after we arrived we went to the S21 prison. That was a horrible but also a good experience. 
For those who do not know the S21 prison was on of the places where people who they suspected were against the Khemer Rouge where imprisoned. They where keept here for weeks and sometimes months. They where tortured until they confessed and if the survived the torture they where killed at one of the killing fields.
When the regime Khem Rouge was toppled from power in 1979 the S21 prison was keept the way it was found. They buried the dead bodies they found and some things have been moved or removed but the main part still looks like the way it was found. 
It was very emotional and unpleasant to see all this and there were many who cried during the tour. It was like you could feel and almost touch the terror and agony the prisoners must have felt.
What scares me most is that it wasn't that long ago all of this happend...

2011-03-24 Phnom Phen

We arrived to Phnom Penh and didn't have energy to much more than dinner. 
During my time traveling I don't think I've seen so many poor people begging for money. I mean I've seen people on the street begging for money but it was different here. They where everywhere and didn't give up, even in the restaurants they walked between the tables begging for money. 
Above, The royal palace in Phnom Phen.
 The national museum of Cambodia.


2011-03-23/24 Next place: Battambang

Two days of visiting temples and three days in Siem Riep is really enough and I couldn't get out of the town quick enough. 
There is two ways of getting to Battambang  it was eather by bus or boat. I chose the slower and  less comfortable option boat. The advantage is all the beautiful and amazing views of the countryside you'll see along the way. 
And YES, it was amazing. We got to see all these amazing floating villages (all the houses actually floats on the water)along the way but also regular villages along the river. Everyone we saw on the way was waiving and cheering at us. 
Although it wasn't that comfortable and afew times I was on my way jumping in the river and just swim the rest of the way. 9 hours is a long time on a wooden bench with an engine sounding like it was fighting for its life in full throttle. I was a  relief when I finally found my earplugs.
After 9 hours on the boat I was exhausted and couldn't wait to get a good night sleep.
The day after we took a tour on the bamboo railway before we got on the bus for Phnom Phen. 

2011-03-20 Fish spa in Siem Riep

For 1$ we got one houre in the fish spa and one beer. I can't say anything else than that it was a good deal!!!


Pictures from Siem Riep

Here comes some pictures from the days I spent in Siem Riep. 

My  bike I used to ride between the temples.
I wasn't alone at the temple for the sunrise.
 I got a flat tire on my way back in to town, but the man with the wooden leg solved my problem within a few minutes.